We would also like to draw your kind attention to the information mentioned in the Schedule of the Policy and the benefits available under the Policy. Some of our plans have certain options (including Rider(s)) available under them. It is important that the options, if any, available under this plan and mentioned in the Policy Document are noted carefully as it will be helpful to you, in case you decide to exercise any of the available options. It is also essential to note that such options, if available and mentioned in the document of this plan has to be exercised in the right manner and during the stipulated time limit as prescribed herein.

THE LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA having received a Proposal along with declaration and the First Premium from the Proposer named in the Schedule referred to herein below and said. Proposal and Declaration with the statements contained and referred to therein having been agreed to by the said Proposer and the Corporation as basis of this assurance do by this Policy agree, in consideration of and subject to the due receipt of the subsequent premiums in case of Regular Premium and Limited Premium Payment policies as set out in the Schedule, to pay the benefits, but without interest at the Branch Office of the Corporation where this Policy is serviced to the person or persons to whom the same is payable in terms of the said Schedule, on proof to the satisfaction of the Corporation of the benefits having become payable as set out in this Policy Document, of the title of the said person or persons claiming payment and of the correctness of the age of the Life Assured stated in the Proposal if not previously admitted.

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