Union Public Service Commission has released the Notification for Combined Section Officers’ (Grade-‘B’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations for the Year 2023. All the eligible and interested aspirants will have to undergo an offline written examination and then a shorthand test in English Hindi. Interested candidates can apply online before that last date. UPSC Section Officers Stenographers Grade B/Grade 1 exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission(UPSC).
UPSC Combined Section Officer Exam: The Commission has introduced a time frame of 7 days from the next date of the Examination Date to 6.00 p.m. of the 7th day is fixed for the candidates to make representations to the Commission on the questions asked in the Papers of the Examination. Such representation must be submitted through the “Online Question Paper Representation Portal.
How to Apply : Candidates must apply Online by using the link given in the website In case the applicant has not yet registered in the One Time Registration (OTR) platform, the link of which is already available on the Commission’s website, he/she should register in this platform and thereafter proceed for filling up the online application for the examination.
Candidates should ensure that all columns of the Online Application Form are filled in correctly. No correspondence will be entertained by the Commission from candidates to change any of the entries made in the Application Form.
After clicking the submission button, you will get a message on your screen, clearly mentioning your Name and e-mail that you have been registered and your password has been sent to your e-mail address. Please note down your password.
Online APPLICATION FORM has six modules as indicated above, namely- Personal, Examination Information, Grade Information, Employment Information, upload image of Photograph and Signature and Final Submission.
Candidates should save each module after completing the same. However, candidates will have the option to make changes in any module before final submission of APPLICATION FORM. Once Final Submission has been made, then no change will be possible Online.