AIIMS has announced a new employment opportunity. Eligible and interested applicants apply online of Field Assistant Jobs 2023 from Jobs Cloud promptly. We post government jobs for Field Assistant vacancies in this page. Aspirants can find job vacancies for Field Assistant Posts from various locations Across India. Get Field Assistant Jobs for freshers and upcoming Field Assistant Job vacancies notification for candidates with experience Apply online is the most common method used by government private organizations for their recruitment nowadays. Online methods are easier and hassle-free and one need not step out to complete the procedures. Whenever there is a need to apply online Jobs cloud help you by providing the official applying link, notification and official website. We also assist aspirants with detailed application procedure under “How to Apply” in each and every notifications and thus making the process much more easier.
Eligiblity: Govt Private organizations release number of notifications every year. Posts like Apprentice, Technical Officer, Assistant Manager etc are notified and recruited through common recruitment process. For each post there will be a specific qualifications required and it will be clearly mentioned in our site. The most common qualifications govt/private sector require are MBA CA Graduate Postgraduate 12th, BE M.Sc, PhD M.Tech B.Tech MCA MBBS or equivalent. So candidates who hold any of the above mentioned degree can easily find a job opportunity.
Vacancies : Senior Research Fellow – 01 Field Assistant – 06.
Age Limit: 18 years to 35 years.
Selection Process: They will be selected on the basis of online test and interview.
How to Apply: You have to apply online for this post. The official notification and the link to apply online are given below. Download the official notification first. Read it thoroughly and make sure that you have all the qualifications mentioned in it. Then click on the online application link and apply without any mistake. Attach all the documents mentioned in it. After applying, make sure that all the information mentioned in it is correct. Then submit the application.