India Exim Bank has released a notification to fill up the vacant posts. The notification mentions that the posts of Manager and Management Trainee are lying vacant. Applications for these posts will be received from 13.12.2023 onwards. Applicants who are eligible and capable to apply for these jobs are advised to apply within the given time frame and avail the benefits.
Company | India Exim Bank |
Name of the Job | Manager, Management Trainee |
Vacancies | 15 |
The last date to apply | 01.01.2024 |
How to Apply | Online |
Vacancies:: Exim Bank of India has 03 vacancies for the post of Manager and 12 posts for the post of Management Trainee.
Educational Qualification: Candidates who have completed graduation in the field of work in government or government recognized colleges/universities can apply for these posts.
Age Limit: As on 01.12.2023, the applicants should be within the following age limit. Manager – Maximum 35 years to 37 years of age Management Trainee – Maximum 31 years to 33 years of age.
Selection Process: It is expected that the eligible candidates for these banking jobs will be selected through interview.
How to apply:The candidates who are eager to apply should fill the application form from 13.12.2023 to 01.01.2024 in full and submit the application given for these posts in the link given below and submit it online.