All recruitments by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission are purely merit based. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission hereby cautions the applicants against outs and agents who may cheat, by making false promises of securing jobs through. unfair means. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission shall not be responsible or liable for any loss that may be caused to any applicant on account of indulging in any sort of dealings with such unscrupulous elements.

The matters placed before the Commission shall be dealt with, either by the Commission or by the Chairman or by a Committee of one or more Members formed by the Commission as provided for in these rules. All matters placed before the Commission or the Chairman or Committees formed by the Commission, shall be so placed by the Secretary in respect of the subjects under his purview and the Controller of Examinations, in respect of the subjects under his purview.

Any case in which a decision is required to be taken regarding the formulation of a new policy of the Commission in respect of any matter coming before them or the variation from, modification or revision of such policy earlier decided upon;

Any case in which a decision is required to be taken on the general principles to be adopted in the matter of appointment by direct recruitment, recruitment by transfer, promotion or transfer, including laying down qualifications required to be fulfilled by Madras Presidency was the first province in India to establish their own service commission when the Madras Service Commission was established under an Act of the Madras Legislature in 1929. The Madras Service Commission started with three members, including the chairman. After re-organization of the states in 1957, several state level commissions were constituted. The Madras Service Commission became the Madras Public Service Commission with headquarters at Madras in the year 1957. During 1970, when the name of the state was changed to Tamil Nadu, the Madras Public Service Commission was renamed as the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC).

candidates for such appointment.

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