Exam Lab Invigilator Vacancies

Proper Invigilation of candidates to prevent any malpractice and unfair means at the exam centers. Candidate registration as per process to avoid any impersonation/swapping. Candidate verification as per process to avoid any impersonation/swapping Assist Operations Team in fair and smooth conduct of all activities at the venue. Report at the Centre three hours prior to the exam start time. Upon arrival leave your personal belongings including mobile phone in the designated area Carry an original valid Government Photo ID proof and Employer ID card for verification. The Government photo ID must have the address printed. Attending exam briefing provided at the test center and clearly understand exam specific instructions Be familiar with the emergency procedures for the exam venue Cooperate with the security guards while getting frisked at any given point in time. Collect print out of candidate attendance sheets mapped in respective labs from the Venue Operation Manager Always ensure that registration desk instruction sheets are pasted at every Registration Desk Ensure that the required number of Registration Desks are configured before the start of a candidates’ entry. Show evidence of completing exam specific training/certification

Move to the allocated exam room and launch the candidate system as per the defined guidelines.Accountable for ensuring that PC is started with correct operating system. Inspect the exam room to ensure that arrangements meet the agreed standards. Keep stationery on candidates’ desk before they reach the labs. Once the candidates reach the lab, ensure that they are not carrying any prohibited items inside the lab. Verify the candidates admit card and ID proof and scribe declaration form, if applicable and then guide him/her to the registration desk Register incoming candidates for the IM desk and inform them of the system generated seat number

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